This time of year always has a feeling of hope and opportunity, but it seems we quickly lose those feelings once we return to our "normal" lives. I challenge all of us to make 2010 the year you CHOOSE to remain focused, hopeful, and open to opportunity even in the midst of your "normal" life...
For me, this blog is a way to begin embracing my own life. I have always talked about writing my story in hopes to give women struggling with emotional eating (a.k.a. binge eating disorder, compulsive eating, insert other labels here) and low self-esteem. I found a magazine article that inspired me to create this blog, so here I am, a blogger...Barney Stinson will have nothing on me (this is a reference for those of us that are How I Met Your Mother fans):-)
I think this will give me a place to share my insights and life lessons with the people that decide to come and visit my blogspot (wow, I feel so 21st century right now). I accept comments because I want to know if this is helping people~I've always felt deep in my soul that I'm meant to help people with my experiences and story, so here I am:-) I'm a big believer in that we are all meant to do this in some way or other because we learn from one another!! We simply have to be willing to surrender ourselves to each other in hopes that we grow...right where we're planted!
I'm challenging everyone, those of you that are here visiting, curious, to embrace the life you have right now, no "I wish I had..." or "When I accomplish this....." or "As soon as I get this together..." NO! STOP!! Embrace exactly who you are (good, bad, or something in between) in this moment, take the time to get to know yourself and what your Truths are. Take the time to analyze what you like about your life and what you want to change. Once you've acknowledged the change you desire, then, one little, itty-bitty, baby step at a time, change! Begin creating the life that you desire deep from your soul. I think most of us will discover it's the simplicity we seek~feeling loved, safe, comfort, peace. How do we achieve such grandiose (yet tremendously simple) in a world that feels so chaotic?? You grow where you're planted and begin exactly where you are: your inner self, your physical self, your home, your family, your community!
If every single person did this, this world would be transformed without any grand plan~it would quite naturally evolve to a better place for us all!
I look forward to sharing my life with whoever decides to visit my blog (this makes me laugh, like I'm trying to be some cool, hip, trendy blogger person...hey, this is where I have decided to begin writing my story)...I look forward to growing, learning, and laughing this year!
*Cheers* to a bright new year!