Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Falls...Gets Back up Again...

Yesterday I gave in to ED's seduction, but the affair lasted for but a moment, and today I am in control!! I fell quite violently, but I'm back on my feet and ready to create this life of mine (with God by my side of course because allowing Him to be in control allows me to make the choices that will lead to my dreams!)...

I took Piper for a 30 minute walk this morning, stayed positive at work, and took both dogs for their walk at the stream. I fixed spaghetti and sauce for dinner, had some mini KitKats for dessert, and took care of a few things for work and personal. I always feel content when I do what I'm supposed to do (I feel accomplished).

I told a friend of mine of couple of weeks ago that I felt a stirring in me, and I know I'm on the right track. When I feel that stirring, I know I'm where I am meant to be on this quest of mine!!!

Looking forward to a nice evening at home~

Take care and grow where you're!

P.S. An ode to my adolescence...NKOTBSB (okay, so I didn't know who the Backstreet Boy's were till recently but I have to support my first love: NKOTB=) And, yes, I confess, I downloaded the new single on ITunes!)

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