Monday, April 4, 2011

A Good Day

I am enjoying this day! I began with a 20 minute walk/jog with my dog this morning; a Swing routine; and a cool down stretch to Joss Stone. I had a good breakfast, some Ricori with toast (plus some peanut butter & banana & apricot jam). I took my multivitamin and had a good lunch. I even...wait for it...fixed my dinner (steamed red potatoes with cheese and deli chicken). It was simple but homemade and yummy! I had raspberry yogurt with ground flax and walnuts for dessert!

I took my dogs for their walk near the stream and enjoyed an approaching thunderstorm on the back deck. I'm getting ready to unwind for the evening. I didn't sleep well last night; my sleeping schedule was a bit off, but I'll get back on track tonight. How I Met Your Mother comes on tonight, then, I'll be off to dream land (after reading a few pages of Claire's adventures with Jamie...Outlander...good times! SPOILER ALERT: Still can't believe she didn't choose to go back to her time!!!).

Looking forward to a calm and relaxing sure to say thank you today! Write a gratitude works wonders!

Take care~

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