Sunday, May 9, 2010

OUCH! Lost My Footing...

This weekend has been full of temptations and stumbling blocks, and I'm afraid I've lost my footing a bit. I pray with all my heart, God will give me the strength to continue my Quest for 50!!

I've been surrounded by sunshine today, yet, I felt a darkness encircle my soul like a vulture waiting for its prey...I woke up feeling so exhausted I could barely move. I gave into the physical weakness which led to eating and drinking nothing of value. I ate sweets for breakfast hoping it would give me a boost of energy (it didn't...I ended up sleeping most of the day away) then I picked up a soda, then another, and another!!!!! I even gave into a fast food urge...

Okay, I don't want to get into the gruesome details, but I know I must remain focused despite this glitch in my plans. This moment is renewed! I am not a prisoner of my bad choices although I may have to suffer from some of its inevitable consequences! I can choose right here, right now, not to allow this to permanently knock me off the proverbial horse! I WILL continue to move forward to reach my goals! I choose to live brightly allowing God to comfort me and show me the way!!!

I will go to bed tonight giving to God my frustrations and guilt! I give Him the loneliness and the sadness! I will sleep peacefully knowing, if given another day, I will do better!

Writing about my failures is quite difficult...revealing the negative bits is humiliating and humbling *Feeling shameful and even a little immature about how reactive I was instead of actually dealing with my emotions*. I hope to write from this moment forward about the positive choices I'm making. I am grateful I didn't fall head over heals into a pit...I simply lost my footing!


Grow where you're planted...NOW!

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