Dare I blog about this? Yes, I dare! I dare to be bold! I dare to be willing...willing to share my story so that other women will not feel alone if they are in a place where they need to lose weight for their health, their self-esteem, and self-love!
I'm making it known, right here, right now, I am going to lose 50, yes FIFTY, pounds! I'm not doing this for a man (God knows I've been there, done that, and only got a crappy t-shirt that says: I lost weight but he still wasn't happy so he wanted a divorce!); I'm not doing this to make anyone proud; I'm not doing this because I have an up and coming class reunion (that's still six years away). I'm doing this because I'm sick of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin!!!!! Sick I tell you!!!!!!
Imagine, not feeling at home within the encompassing tapestry of your own flesh...it's not a happy place! The French (I'm 1/2 French so I must pay homage to my heritage) have an expression: Etre bien dans sa peau. This means, being well in one's skin. I want that! I want to live that! I want to model that for people who look up to me (hey, it's possible someone looks up to me).
Sadly, this goal has me a bit torn because I ultimately don't believe in a number defining who you are or allowing numbers to give you self worth. When people say "I'm 120 pounds," I cringe. NO! You are a human being that happens to WEIGH 120 pounds. People will also say, "Oh! I'm a size 8." I cringe again! NO! You're a precious soul that happens to WEAR a size 8. You are NOT the number on the scale or on the tag attached to your jeans. We need to reconnect to who we are...this is the MOST important aspect of losing weight.
So, how do I accomplish my goal of being 50 pounds lighter without getting caught in the numbers game that Americans love to play? Any ideas?
To be quite honest, I don't want to weigh myself, but how will I write about my quest if I don't have a starting point??? I will figure this one out and write about my decision at another time!
Tomorrow begins my renewed membership at the gym; I will, for the sake of this quest, weigh myself while NOT letting the number define moi!
I will be proud to share my journey, my quest, with the public at large in hopes that it truly inspires others to finally grow where they're planted and blossom!
*Takes my figurative glass of fabulous champagne (which is great because a figurative glass of champagne has no sugars or calories...rock!) and toasts all women everywhere trying to be themselves, trying to be bien dans sa peau, in a society that judges them by their size and looks...Here's to living our lives brightly, growing where we're planted, and living each moment of our lives on purpose! Salut!*
Live brightly!
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