Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Manic Monday...

Okay maybe manic is a bit dramatic, but I've been awake since 3:30...yes, a.m. so I do feel a bit like a maniac=) I just finished a Zumba abs session, and I feel quite energized simultaneous with my mania. I'm not sure why I awoke so early, but I accept it and will try to remain energetic throughout the day. I'll need to throw in a little Zumba as a Public Speaking warm-up...

I've decided to commit to the following for this week: (1) Abstain from soda...okay, okay Cherry Coke (2) 30 minutes of movement each day (3) Begin lessening my caffeine consumption (Please, God, protect me from detox symptoms!)

I believe these are attainable and realistic goals, and I will add a commit each week! My most difficult struggle will be abstaining from sodas, but I know I must do this because it will help with the erratic cravings for other junk! High Fructose Corn Syrup is an addictive additive that saturates our food and drink systems in the U.S. I know that if I can abstain from this chemical, then, I will feel more in control of the binges.

I know my moment of truth will occur around two in the afternoon...this is the time of day where I usually begin pining for junk food, but I need to create a plan of distraction!! I have to go grocery shopping this evening, so I DEFINITELY need to be sure I've eaten something satiating before heading out to a plethora of food choices!! Okay, so back to creating a more healthy habit instead of giving in to my desire for afternoon junk...

I definitely need to tell myself "Stop!" Once I've mentally screamed "Stop!" then I can begin rerouting the junk food thoughts. Sounds so easy, but this will be difficult. I need to be sure I don't allow these thoughts to distract me from my teaching! I have the ultimate say in what I think and what I do, so I will try to be hyper aware when 2 p.m. strikes!

I also hope and pray for protection from that pesky demon I call depression/discouragement! The abnormal need to binge on junk food is directly connected with my tendency toward depression. I will be sure to bring my herbs for mood to work so that I can take them during lunch and I hope that will aide in my cognitive distractions from junk food and discouragement...

*Takes a proverbial glass of champagne* Cheers to a normal and happy day!

~Shabby Chic Lady

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