Saturday, February 5, 2011

Political Pondering Saturdays...

I am in no way a political aficionado or anything, but I do like to listen to what is happening in our political world so I won't be bum-fuddled about a future world event! I am disturbed by the events happening around the world both meteorologically and politically. The riots and protests in Egypt have dominated the news world and the talk shows. The most unsettling news I heard was that the moments the riots broke out the head officials for the Egyptian army were here in the U.S. I didn't catch the reason for their U.S. visit but it does seem a bit disconcerting that they would be over here the moment a mass protest to run their president out of office occurs!!!????

Based on the news, I often wonder if some of these events aren't orchestrated by the world powers that be at the time...Plus, I think the U.S.A. needs to get back to staying out of foreign affairs unless it affects our national security! I'm also put off by the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood had a major role in the Egyptian protests. This is the same group from which Osama Bin Laden came as well as a few other Muslim extremists! Their rhetoric is about subjugation (of women mostly) and religious law. They don't care about "social justice." Social justice is thrown around, even in our country, as a way to manipulate the masses to conform to a centralized government (or way of thinking).

The true American spirit seems to be dying...slowly...dying. Do I agree with all the ways this country began? Of course not, but I do think it developed into one of the greatest nations in the world despite its flaws! We were the country that led the way in eliminating slave trades and slave ownership. We led the way in WWII to free the Jewish people. We have led the way in attempting at equality for ALL men (read the Constitution with care and context)!

I believe the independent spirit is being smothered by this notion that the "government" must take care of us from birth (even conception) to death! The fact that our new health care bill allows for an allotment of tax dollars to help Planned Parenthood infuriates me! Planned Parenthood has its roots in hate (in my opinion);

Margaret Sanger ( wanted a genocide of sorts for minorities in America yet the media praises this organization for its outreach to women. Does anyone remember that? Birth control is NOT for the government to decide on or provide for...this is an INDIVIDUAL choice!! The right to have an abortion should be decided by the individual states not the Federal government! Life begins at conception, and with modern science, this fact can no longer be denied by those who want to justify killing a baby!!

Socialized programs will destroy and bankrupt this country if the masses don't begin to speak! The Tea Party movement has been quite interesting, and I'm not sure I have a solid opinion on this, yet, but it does tell me that communities still have a voice, and that's where true change begins! Our country was founded as a REPUBLIC not a "democracy." The founders even warned against "democracy." Having some democratic procedures is one thing but to praise "democracy" is another! Why do we have a government with three areas of power: Legislative (The House and Congress), Judicial (The Supreme Court), and Executive (The President). This system was set up so that one part of government couldn't gain too much power...are we still learning this????

Have we not learned from the lessons taught over eons of history? I feel sometimes the great nation of the United States of America is headed toward a profound and painful fall a la The Roman Empire. This makes me sorrowful because we weren't trying to dominate the lands of the world and plant our flag on all the lands but we strive to be the best in the world, a beacon of liberty and justice for all. A model for all countries that freedom of speech, the equality of men (and women), and personal liberty mean something and can be attained! I don't want to be like other countries in this world...I want to be the exception, the role model, the teacher!

I have covered quite a span of topics, and I can be scattered in my reflections, but I will try to stay current during my Political Ponderings! Please leave me any links or reads that you feel I would benefit from, and if I have the time, I will most certainly give them a read!

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