Saturday, February 12, 2011

Political Pondering Saturday

Mubarak steps down from his post, and the Egyptian military takes over for him. I'm not sure how I feel about this because the military uppity-ups just may decide they enjoy the power (I pray not). I heard this morning that they plan on committing to the agreements that are in place with Israel. I hope it stays that way and that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have to much influence on political elections...I think Israel would be in trouble if the Brotherhood takes a foothold in Egyptian government.

Did you hear about our intelligence director??? He claimed the Muslim Brotherhood was secular...does he know the definition of secular? Secular: not relating to or concerned with religion (this is definition number 2 in Webster's dictionary) MUSLIM Brotherhood, Mr. James Clapper, this means they have allegiance to their religion!! His cronies were quick to cover his tracks with one of those "What was meant by secular..." Geesh! Sometimes I think we have one of the most incompetent governments on the planet right now!

Let's not talk about our federal budget!! I thought these newly elected Republicrats, excuse me, Demopublicans, geeze, Republicans (there we go) were going to do what the people elected them to do???? Plus, I don't hear much from the "Tea Party" right now either??? Was that a decoy? I'm glad I don't adhere to a strict allegiance to one party or the other because neither of them represent my values!

Oh and how about that really smart congressman who posted his shirtless self on Craig's List??? Really? Are people that ignorant and that vain? Makes me sick! Congratulations, Congressman Lee from New York. You are such an outstanding example of civic duty and American pride!

Those are my musings for the week. Needless to say, I'm frustrated with the direction that our country and the world seem to be taking. An invisible agenda seems to be agenda of so-called democracy and social justice for all (these words are code for the extreme left-wing ideas). I hope American citizens are paying attention and are fully aware because I believe forces are at work that want to take away our liberty and our identity as Americans (Hello! It's okay to be a proud American who realizes we've made epic mistakes but have ALWAYS strived at the idea that ALL men are equaled equal and that every citizen has the right to liberty and the PURSUIT, not guarantee, of happiness)! I hope that the D.C. politicians are listening to European politicians who are discussing the fact that socialism isn't really working out as they had planned! Stay awake, citizens!

Signing off~

Shabby Chic Lady

Enjoy the sunshine every moment you can!

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