Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Moon Lovely

On my way to a movie last night, the full moon (well, almost full) was hanging radiantly in the twilight sky...

God gives us small gifts if we simply take the time to notice them! I think especially when looking at nature, one will find beauty and grace.

I had to post one more blog before my little jaunt to see my parents. I wanted to share the horrendous dream I had of my ex-husband; I despise my dreams when his presence turns up in them. Seems ominous when he appears in the deepest part of my subconscious, but I will do my best to focus on the beauty and grace around me...I am thankful it was merely a dream!

Be sure to look up at the twilight sky tonight, for I'm certain the moon will put on a luminous show!!

Be grateful for something today.


Shabby Chic Lady

1 comment:

  1. I tried to take a picture of the moon Thursday morning. The moon looked *HUGE* it was so pretty!
