Saturday, February 26, 2011

Political Pondering Saturday...

Let's begin with the latest rise in gas prices...already $3.20 or more. In some cities in the U.S. gas prices, for regular, have gone past the $4.00 mark. I feel we're in quite an imbalanced place economically...

Finally our U.S. citizens in Libya were rescued. I think it's interesting that China and Turkey were able to get their citizens out more quickly than the U.S. Evidently the naval ship being used was stuck due to treacherous waters, yet, China and Turkey were able to rescue their citizens. The U.S. navy couldn't get their ships through treacherous waters? I don't get it? We're talking about the navy that stormed Normandy in treacherous waters! I'm truly baffled at the leadership in this country. It's as if we're taking 50 steps backwards!

I'm reading Michael Savage's book "Trickle up Poverty." I didn't realize how infiltrated our administration is with socialists! All, excuse me almost all, the czars (there's your first clue Sherlock...czars! since when does the U.S.A. have "czars?") that Obama has appointed (without congressional approval I might add) are some how linked to socialist/communist organizations. Not to mention that Obama has sought out many socialist during his lifetime for guidance and education! This is quite scary.

I also liked that Obama made a statement this week about Planned Parenthood's accomplishments. This organization was started by a woman who wanted minority population control! Planned Parenthood has also been involved in some shady dealings which I will go into another time after I've done more research on the topic. Yet, our president claims they have done much good in our society. Since when is the killing of a potential life a good thing? Just pisses me off!

I do recommend Michael Savage's book. Dr. Savage has gotten a bad rap, but if you truly listen to him, he offers solid opinions and facts about the state of our union! I still can't believe nothing has been done about his situation with England. He isn't allowed to enter that country because he's on a list of potentially dangerous people. WHAT?!? Since when did speaking one's mind become a terrorist threat?? He has never ensued violence toward people...Crazy! Absolutely nonsensical!

I must begin my day now. I have errands to run and a Starbucks trip to make. Enjoy your Satruday!

Shabby Chic Lady

**And, no, I am not affiliated with Michael Savage! I honestly like his radio program and book.**

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